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Ways To Support Fluidity

Fluidity is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization â€‹supported by member dues, event ticket sales, private donations, and sponsorships. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


Please express your passion for the arts, choral music, and most importantly for the community causes for which we raise awareness, by supporting Fluidity today. Many options are available as noted below.


Fulfilling our mission of uplifting our community through our music is only possible with your support. Thank you!



2024 Annual Campaign Update​​​​



Giving online today with your gift being used wherever it's needed most.

2024 Annual Giving Campaign

General Fund

Donor-Advised Fund or Qualified Charitable Donations

A number of our supporters use their DAF or QCDs with their associated tax benefits to support us. At this time, having your advisor firm send a check is the option available.

Shopping Cart

Community Rewards

Every trip to the grocery store can help. Enroll in Kroger Rewards and put your points towards Fluidity.

By Check

Fluidity accepts checks and donations delivered through the mail:


P.O. Box 36374
Cincinnati, OH 45236-0374

Event Support

By sharing concert information with friends, family, and through social media, you are raising awareness for the causes that are promoted in our concerts. You are also supporting the benefits of music as a part of uplifting local community with the arts.


Private foundation and corporate sponsorships are available. Please reach out to to discuss options.

Fluidity is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. EIN: 81-3655218


Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.


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